If I care to look, WordPress reveals the Google searches people use to find this blog. Their phrases can be surprising or funny. Like: “does an essay have to be nonfiction.” Well, yes—whomever you are. By definition, in fact.

Sometimes people’s searches suggest posts I wish I’d write—or accomplish myself in other writing: “taking creative nonfiction beyond the mundane.” I’ll drink to that. So would the editor who called a story of mine “plodding.” Ouch. (It’s easy to say no; it takes just one fan—or a somewhat desperate editor needing something to round out her list—for a yes.)

Some searches seem the result of graduate students slaving away: “structuralism + ‘d. h. lawrence’ + ‘odour of chrysanthemums’ ”; “symbolism subtext narrative.” Or undergraduates trying desperately to complete assignments: “why is concise in essay important”; and “a narrative essay describing your past that involved you and your close childhood friend.”

There may be writers searching for tips: “using power point to tell a story”—but what that poor soul got was my rant about how I hate PowerPoint for telling stories. In the Fairly Odd Category: “writing narrative hair raising stories”; and “the walk to work narrative.”

Whoa—the walk to work narrative! Therein may lie the contribution I’ll make to this rowdy field as I plod onward. I have no idea what the phrase means, but if you Google it, my blog comes up really high.


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